Media Kit
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Media Kit Contents
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- Book Description (Short)
- Book Description (Medium)
- Book Description (Long)
- Back of Book Endorsements
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- Author Bio
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Book Images
Book Description (Short)
This book is both a manifesto and a call to action. Chronic disease is a slow-motion plague that is sabotaging our health, destroying our quality of life, shortening our lifespan, bankrupting our governments, and threatening the health of future generations. In Unconventional Medicine, Chris Kresser presents a plan to reverse this dangerous trend. Will you join the revolution to reinvent healthcare and reverse chronic disease?
Book Description (Medium)
The world is facing the greatest healthcare crisis it has ever seen. Chronic disease is shortening our lifespan, destroying our quality of life, bankrupting governments, and threatening the health of future generations. Sadly, conventional medicine, with its focus on managing symptoms, has failed to address this challenge. The result is burned-out physicians, a sicker population, and a broken healthcare system.
In Unconventional Medicine, Chris Kresser presents a plan to reverse this dangerous trend. He shows how the combination of a ancestral diet and lifestyle, Functional Medicine, and a lean, collaborative practice model can create a system that better serves the needs of both patients and practitioners.
The epidemic of chronic illness can be stopped, if patients and practitioners can adapt.
Book Description (Large)
Chronic disease is by far the biggest health challenge we face:
- One in two Americans has a chronic disease, and one in four has multiple chronic diseases
- 27 percent of kids now have a chronic disease, up from just 13 percent in 1994
- Chronic disease is responsible for seven out of every ten deaths
The consequences of chronic disease are severe. It’s destroying our quality of life, shortening our lifespans, bankrupting our governments, and threatening the health of future generations:
- Spending on chronic disease worldwide will reach $47 trillion by 2030. This is equivalent to the GDP of the six largest economies in the world.
- This generation is the first in which kids are expected to live shorter lifespans than their parents.
- One in five Americans struggles to pay medical bills, and three in five bankruptcies are due to medical expenses.
Unfortunately, conventional medicine has not only failed to address chronic disease thus far, but it has no hope of ever doing so—at least in its current configuration. There are three reasons for this:
- Our modern diet and lifestyle are out of alignment with our genes and biology.
- Our medical paradigm is not well suited to tackle chronic disease.
- Our model for delivering care doesn’t support the interventions that would have the biggest impact on preventing and reversing chronic disease.
In Unconventional Medicine, globally renowned Functional Medicine clinician and educator and New York Times best-selling author Chris Kresser proposes a solution to the chronic disease epidemic, which he calls the ADAPT Framework. It includes three elements, each addressing one of the reasons that conventional medicine has come up short:
- An ancestral diet and lifestyle, which reflects the recognition that we are evolutionarily mismatched to our environment and that this mismatch is the primary driver of chronic disease.
- A new medical paradigm, called Functional Medicine, which is focused on preventing and reversing, rather than simply managing, chronic disease.
- A collaborative practice model, which offers clinicians a structure that better supports delivering Functional Medicine and ancestral diet, lifestyle, and behavioral interventions to patients.
Unconventional Medicine is both a manifesto and a roadmap to a more effective and humane approach to healthcare. It’s based on the recognition that we’ve reached an inflection point at which we can no longer afford not to act on a massive scale, and that the action we take must not come out of the same system that caused—and continues to cause—these problems in the first place.
Kresser’s book is firmly rooted in the latest science and statistics, yet it is brought to life by case studies of patients and stories of healthcare practitioners who have been affected by our dysfunctional “sickcare” model. It is written for you if you are:
A healthcare practitioner working inside the conventional system who is:
- Feeling burned out and drained by the “assembly line” style of medicine prevalent in primary care settings today.
- Tired of ten- to fifteen-minute appointments and managing symptoms with drugs and want to offer deeper healing and transformation to your patients.
- Ready to restore meaning and purpose to your work and rediscover your original passion for medicine.
A healthcare practitioner working outside of the conventional system who is:
- Wanting to upgrade your clinical skills to get better results with patients/clients.
- Seeking a more comprehensive and systematic framework to apply to patient/client care.
- Familiar with Functional Medicine or the ancestral diet and lifestyle and looking to incorporate them into the work you’re already doing.
A patient struggling with chronic health problems and “citizen scientist” or “health activist” who is:
- Trying to address a chronic disease or health problem but does not feel well served by the care that you’re currently getting.
- Familiar with Functional Medicine and/or the ancestral diet and lifestyle and is seeking a practitioner who uses these approaches.
- Hoping to help a friend, colleague, family member, or other person you’re close to who is suffering from a chronic disease.
- Passionate about reinventing healthcare, reversing chronic disease, and optimizing human potential and wants to support this movement however you can.
Back of Book Endorsements
This book will change the way you practice medicine.Mark Hyman, MD
Director, Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine & Chairman, Institute for Functional Medicine
In this exposé, Chris Kresser not only explores the depths of our failed healthcare system, but also provides a positive blueprint for moving forward.David Perlmutter, MD
Author #1 New York Times bestsellers Grain Brain and The Grain Brain Whole Life Plan
Whether you call it progressive medicine, as I do, or unconventional medicine, as Chris does here—this is truly the future of health and wellness.Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, MD
BBC television’s Doctor in the House and author of The Power of Balance
A passionate manifesto that will inspire healthcare practitioners to embrace a Functional Medicine approach to preventing and reversing chronic disease.Terry Wahls, MD
Author of The Wahls Protocol: A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles
Social Swipe Copy
I’m joining @ChrisKresser in the revolution to reinvent healthcare & reverse chronic disease #UnconventionalMedicine
Inspired by the revolutionary new book #UnconventionalMedicine by @ChrisKresser
This is my blueprint. My calling. My rallying cry. #UnconventionalMedicine @ChrisKresser
Join @ChrisKresser and me in the movement to reinvent healthcare and reverse chronic disease. #UnconventionalMedicine
We can reverse the course of chronic disease—for good. Join the revolution. #UnconventionalMedicine @ChrisKresser
Chronic illness can be stopped if patients and practitioners can adapt. #UnconventionalMedicine @ChrisKresser
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Author Bio
Chris Kresser M.S., L.Ac., is the CEO of Kresser Institute and the co-director of the California Center for Functional Medicine. He’s also the creator of and is the New York Times best-selling author of The Paleo Cure. Chris was named one of the 100 most influential people in health and fitness by, and his blog is one of the top-ranked natural health websites in the world.
Chris Kresser M.S., L.Ac., is the CEO of Kresser Institute, the co-director of the California Center for Functional Medicine, the creator of, and the New York Times best-selling author of The Paleo Cure. He is known for his in-depth research uncovering myths and misconceptions in modern medicine and providing natural health solutions with proven results. Chris was named one of the 100 most influential people in health and fitness by, and his blog is one of the top-ranked natural health websites in the world. He recently launched Kresser Institute, an organization dedicated to reinventing healthcare and reversing chronic disease by training healthcare practitioners in functional and evolutionary medicine. Chris lives in Berkeley, California, with his wife and daughter.